Contraceptive method use trajectories among young women in Kenya: A qualitative study
20 December 2023

Many young women experience important key life transitions during adolescence and early adulthood, such as initiation of sexual activity, first use of contraceptives, marriage, and childbirth. For young women to be able to plan and manage their lives, it is critical to understand how these life events intersect and shape their contraceptive decision-making. This study explored young women’s contraceptive method use trajectories, including the factors that influence contraceptive decision-making throughout adolescence and youth.

Authors: Lisa M Calhoun, Mahua Mandal, Bernard Onyago, Erick Waga, Courtney McGuire, Eliya M Zulu, Thomas van den Akker, lenka Benova, Therese Delvaux, Ilene S Speizer

Full Text Link:10.3389/fgwh.2022.973971

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